Rp 2.190.000 atau Rp 547.500 per bulan

TC Electronic SCF Gold Stereo Chorus Flanger Guitar Effects Pedal


TC Electronic SCF Gold Stereo Chorus Flanger Guitar Effects Pedal


Item mungkin tersedia di pajangan!

Rp 2.190.000

(Termasuk Pajak & Biaya Pengiriman)

Deskripsi Produk

The legendary Stereo Chorus Flanger was the first TC Electronic product. Ever! TC Electronic's founder, who is also a musician, was annoyed with the quality of effect pedals available back in the 70s – they were just so noisy. So, being an engineer, he set out to design a pedal that would live up to his expectations and high standards. That was how the SCF was born all the way back in 1976, and the rest is history as they say. But hey! No one said the story was over. On the contrary, they’re adding to that history. In fact, it has come full circle and they’re really entering a new era of the SCF tales. Please meet SCF GOLD – a legendary pedal to be! 


  • Legendary analog modulation pedal with chorus, flange and pitch modes
  • Original BBD circuit used by world-renowned artists, reissued for true retro tone
  • Updated with a standard 9 V DC power socket for convenient use on your pedalboard
  • High fidelity analog preamp with increased headroom and improved low-frequency response
  • Adjustable input gain with clip indicator provides versatility for use with any instrument
  • High levels of headroom facilitate a huge dynamic range
  • Mind-blowing signal-to-noise ratio, SCF is completely quiet in regards to unwanted noise
  • Dual outputs split your signal, providing a huge stereo spread and a unique spacial dimension

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Ya! Semua pesanan mendapatkan Garansi Esensial selama setahun dari tanggal pembelian setelah Anda mendaftarkan detail pemesanan di akun Swee Lee Anda.
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Kecuali ditampilkan di toko, kami menyimpan amp dengan rapi di dalam gudang. Jika Anda ingin mencoba sebelum membelinya secara online, silakan hubungi showroom Swee Lee favor Anda sebelum mengunjunginya, staff kami dengan senang hati akan membantu Anda!
Apakah pesanan saya mendapatkan aksesori?
Kecuali dituliskan di deskripsi produk, produk kami tidak menyertakan aksesori. Anda bisa menjelajahi aksesori kami, atau bertanya pada Tim Sales & Support kami untuk meminta rekomendasi sekarang juga!
Apa saya membutuhkan power supply untuk pedal saya?
Meski tidak wajib, kami menyarankan penggunaan power supply untuk pedal Anda. Hal itu meminimalisir dengungan dan pastikan pedal Anda mendapatkan power supply yang sesuai, hal itu mengoptimalkan output dan nada. Silakan tanya Tim Sales & Support kami untuk rekomendasi power supply sekarang!


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